Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Day Five.

So I’m sitting at my desk reading a little bit of Browning (as you do), but my heart really isn’t in to it. I’ve got Porphyria’s Lover propped open in
front of me, and it’s a really great poem, but for once I’m not thinking about the madman who’s decided to kill his lover in order to keep her love forever pure; no, I’m ruminating on how to kick Zach in the shins. The man has thus far eluded me, and to be honest I’m beginning to get a little annoyed. What is it about me that makes me incapable of kicking him in the shins? Or perhaps it’s him. Yes, I think it’s him. Perhaps just as I finally kick him beautifully, squarely, perfectly, just once, on the shins, then I shall wind his long yellow hair in one long yellow string three times his little throat around, and his shins once more blushed bright beneath my burning kicks. And then we’ll see who gets the last laugh.

I’ve just remembered that Zach’s hair is short and brown. I shall have to find another way to forever document that one glorious, climactic orgasmic moment of final leg-snapping achievement. I think I’ll look into getting a Sony Cybershot.

And then tomorrow I will kick Zach in the shins. Because then, I will have a camera to document the moment for the ages. And yes, it is a moment well worth documentation.

Listening to: Stevie Wonder - Knocks Me Off My Feet


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