Saturday, October 14, 2006

Day Four.

I was listening to a beautiful Billie Holiday song on my computer in the late afternoon, just appreciating her voice and wondering whether Lady Day ever had any shin-related issues in her turbulent life. She did, after all, fight a protracted battle with abuse, both of drugs and from husbands. As time went on and Lady Day slowly succumbed to age and a rough life, her voice changed with it. It got rougher, less sweet, less cutesy. There are fans who prefer the early Billie of the Colombia years; there are those who prefer her later efforts such as final album Lady in Satin. But irresepective of which period you like, or if you like both for their individual merits, what matters is that you're a fan of a woman who almost nearly indubitably once tried to kick someone, somewhere, at some point, in the shins.

Yes, readers, this was a Joycean epiphany of sorts for me, and I don't mind admitting it as such. If Lady Day could do it, then why not me? But by then my iTunes had moved on to Nena's 99 Red Balloons, and I lost all will to do anything but... dance.

But tomorrow I will kick Zach in the shins. For Miss Holiday tells me that I can.

Listening to: Aerosmith - Lord of the Thighs


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